22 March 2010

~Caramel Sauce

Dear Fans of Hounds Who Cook,

Our girl made Hot Fudge Sauce this weekend and now is fairly cocky about any type of sugary sauce being a cinch to make. For instance, just now she took out an apple to eat and had a great desire to dip it in caramel sauce. So she made some. Right in the middle of her deadline, with the kitchen all clean as it was, she put three ingredients into a double boiler and just let it double boil to her desired thickness. It was crazy good. Here's how she did it:

Crazy Good Caramel Sauce

1 cup brown sugar (or white)
6 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup half and half (or cream)

Whisk all together in double boiler. When sugar is dissolved and texture is smooth, cook for five minutes on high, or as long as needed for desired consistency.

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