01 June 2014

~ Citrus Dishwasher Soap

Yesterday 'twas laundry soap and to-day dishwasher soap. Our Girl does not want to expend funds on pre-made products. Here is the recipe she adapted for Dishwasher Soap wherein she used table salt (because it is what she had) rather than Kosher Salt, which is what makes more sense. Kosher would be better because it's included for its scrubbing properties and possibly the table salt just dissolves right away in the water without scrubbing. Also, she is in a phase of grapefruit seed extract (GSE) she puts it on our food to kill parasites, she washes fruits and vegetables with it, she puts it on Toe Fungii, she mixes it with coconut oil for a facial treatment. It's antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasite (inCLUding anti-amoeba - she kilt her amoeba in Belize with it) and anti- a lot of bad things. It also leaves things clean and sparkly. Some recipes will call for citric acid in this recipe. We have used actual citrus and GSE for the sparkle feature.

Citrus Dishwasher Soap

1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda (not baking soda)
1/2 cup Kosher Salt
2 Tb. Lime Juice
15 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract
10 drops Dish soap (max, if desired)

Mix thoroughly and use dry (1 Tb. per load) or make pods. To make pods, add barely enough water to mix dry ingredients into a wet sand. Spoon with a tablespoon measure onto a tray and leave to air dry for two days.

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